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MandaNoel07's Journal Omfg

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by Denial - Comments: 4 - Views: 716

This morning I went back to sleep for several hours after finding out that classes were cancelled due to the weather. I was extrememly tired. So, I went to bed. It was great, though. I slept for a long time, and I dreamed I swallowed a hair in a salad that Meagan and Heather gave me and started throwing up. The hair wasn't mine though. It was blonde when I swallowed it and brown when I threw it up. Meagan's hair is blonde and Heather's hair is brown. I find this ironic. Unimpressed
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 486

Finals Week
So, after making my self sick. Gaining about five pounds of stress eating, possibly eight. I am ready to pull my hair out. I hate school sometimes, and I have a headache. lol
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 468

Halloween. Awesome time of year. We get to dress up like idiots and all that stuff. Well, my roommates and I are throwing a costume party for a couple of friends. We're apparently dressing up as the characters from Alice in Wonderland. Our snacks and everything are Alice themed. Problem? Big time. I am trying to find either a mad hatter costume, blue butterfly, or white rabbit. If I find one decent priced that I like... it's not in my size. If I find one in my size... it's not within my budget. This sucks. Oh well, I don't really know what else to do.
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 4 - Views: 523

STD: Sigma Tau Delta

I just recently became a member of the STD, The English Honor's Society. It not only offers a lot of scholarship opportunities, but it also offers a lot of other opportunities as well. I'm excited about this.

Hepatitis and Liver
Last semester my dad was diagnosed with T.B. but it was inactive. Apparently it wasn't as inactive as they thought it was because it's causing him a lot of problems. After my daddy gained 30 pounds in less than 2 months (even though he can't eat) the doctor decided to take him off his medicine...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 2 - Views: 461

I think I'm catching strep throat. I feel sick. My throat is hurting. I want to just crash. I'm trying to get along with my new room mate. I'm trying. I'm being as good to her as I can. I want to just go to bed. I feel horrible. Worried
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 388

For reference, I am a virgin. I'm just really... hurt right now. Hurt? Well, maybe that's not the best choice of words. I don't really know how to describe this feeling. Let down? Disappointed? Outraged? Overwhelmed? It's a bit of all these things.

As most of you know, Paul and I have been dating for well over a year. We've talked on the phone, webcam, and even had dates like this, because... well, he lives on the other side of the country. We met on theOtaku, ironically. Considering we both rarely get on there anymore. But one good thing did come from that site. I met him, and I love...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 376

Well, apparently, I now have a rash. It completely covers my chest and it's spreading. My mom is worried I'm allergic to my birth control. My grandma thinks I'm developing an allergy to food. While I, personally, don't know what it is, but annoying. It's starting to itch and I'm trying not to scratch it. It looks like tiny pimples all over my chest, but it's definitely not pimples (acne). It's just... annoying is what it is. Looks something like heat, but not quite. Oh well, who knows.
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 321

Well, after eating so much McDonalds food, I'm not only having digestion problems but the digestion problems are causing other problems. Such as upset stomachs causing severe cold sores on my lips. Not only one cold sore, though, but three and four at a time. My lips look like they have the chicken pox. hahaha. Lovely. Oh, and the acne that all their grease is causing is even better. lol. Probably put on a couple of pounds from having to eat there. Don't have time to eat before work. Too tired to cook after work. It's lovely.
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 318

McDonalds is a fun place to work. Always keeps you busy. I like that. What I don't like? The snotty ass people you have to deal with. What snotty people, right? Because all the people who come to McDonalds are fat with low self esteem and all portray a lack of ill mannerism as a fear that someone won't like them, right? WRONG! There's actually quite a few skinny people who are "Lovin' it," and because "we love to see you smile" we totally do everything in our power to make you have a great time on your visit so that you will come back and help support our pay check. 8D Yes,...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 326

I'm currently writing an essay for my Survey of British Literature class. It's due tonight at midnight, and I'm scared to tackle John Donne's Holy Sonnets. I already manhandled Christopher Marlowe. Now, Donne... has done me in. *shot*
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 417

Boyfriends are not excluded in this instructional masterpiece.
Denial wrote:
What the flying turkey penis?

No truer words could have ever been spoken. After all, it's all this week lacks to make it complete. So, to help the rest of you with your week, I decided to give you a bit of instruction on how to bail out on your friends.Here's how my friends bailed out on me in the past week! You can learn too. Just follow their example.

The past week, I was supposed to help out at a church garage sale. (My aunt forgot I was supposed to ride with her...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 323

Geography Essay finished in 12 hours.

Work/pictures/etc on memory sticks organized in 2 hours.

British Literature Essay ... yet to be worked on, but will be more than half finished by Thursday, and complete by April 15th, which is when it's due.

Lesson Plan 5... I'll do it tomorrow.

Passed my last exam without even studying. I'm proud. <3

Up Next juggling the studying for Finals. Love how they have my three hardest exams right on top of each other. 8:00 Monday April 20th, History exam. 8:00 Tuesday April 21st, Educational Psychology...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 291

Well, I just thought I would share my black eyes with the world. I've been stressed out a lot lately. Not really school issues, but... parents. Paul isn't exactly approved of. So, I've been having emotional ups and downs. Yesterday things hit a breaking point and I just let my mother have it. I told her how I loved Paul and how I wanted to be with him and she threw a fit. Apparently in her opinion it's "not meant to be" and I'm "wasting my life" with us. So, how did this result in not just one black eye, but two black eyes? I cried so hard that it bruised my eyes. I noticed...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 305

I'm pissed off. Right now it seems like every fucking thing is going wrong. I cashed my check at Wal-mart yesterday. The fucking retards will not let me have my money. Lovely fucking doo da. Then there is the fucking fact that I need fucking groceries, and can't get any because the fucking ass holes wont let me have my fucking money. Then I have an exam Wednesday. I have understudy rehearsals on Wednesday, which, by the way, I'm not fucking looking forward to. I have to do the fucking role of Millie, who is married to Marvin, who is played by Mark, who took it upon himself to grab my ass and try...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 1097

It's cold. Walking to class at 7:30 in the morning my forehead became numb. The snow was everywhere, and yet the ice on the roads that all the cars were slipping on, trying to avoid any type of collision was not not reason enough to cancel classes again. Monday classes were canceled because of over 12 inches of snow. Tuesday classes were canceled because the snow was still melting. It's almost Friday. There are still inches of snow in some places on campus. Classes resumed yesterday. The roads are iced over, and some parts of the road are not even cleared at all. There's no guard rail. Students...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 307

I try to listen to people when they come to me with their problems. I try to give them advice on how they can maybe make something a little better and hope that it will get better for them soon. I genuinely care about other people. I try to at least.

Today one of my teachers advised me to seek stress management counseling. Last semester I got so stressed with school and everything else that I got sick. This summer it became more severe. With all those kids from theOtaku and friends from school, etc all coming to me with their problems I developed an ulcer. I've already cried like a baby...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 1 - Views: 301

The day has finally come that I move into my dorm. It was odd. I've had about 2 maybe 3 hours of sleep. I'm freezing to death in this room, and... blah. That's pretty much it. Here are some pictures of the dorm.

MandaNoel07's Journal SANY0786
My bathroom.. Grin

MandaNoel07's Journal SANY0788

My room. It's kind of bare right now....
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 408

Yea, it's been another lovely day. Not too bad, really. I found out that I have to be on campus tomorrow, actually... it's today now. I'm terrified, but after finding out that there was enough money in my account with my student loans to cover my books, I was completely ecstatic. I was terrified that there wasn't going to be enough and I was going to be in trouble if that was the case. College books are expensive. I wasn't going to have the money to get them out of pocket. I'm applying for a job at the Dining hall at the college. I could use it to pay interest on my loan, and to pay for books...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 352

Today has just been peachy. -.- I get up to a LOVELY surprise. Take some medicine because my side is hurting and play on the computer while I'm in pain. I need to go to the store, and I don't have a car to get to it in, because they're probably going to have to take my daddy to the Emergency room, because he accidentally jabbed a needle into his foot and now it's broke off into his foot. \A sewing needle fell off the counter and into his shoe, one of them broke off and now it's in his foot. My mom is mad at herself over it and I currently have no way to get to the store, even though I really NEED...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 2 - Views: 356

Today I had a yard sale. That was interesting. Made over $60.00 from old clothes mostly. School starting back, people are looking for clothes, and as it is first of the month (sad truth) most of the people are getting their checks. I live in drug town, USA. Now they consider drug addiction to be a disease and since they can not work because of the addiction, they are able to draw a check. Makes SOOO much sense. [/emphasis on the sarcasm]. I'm tired now though. I had about one hour of sleep and I'm completely worn out. Which when I got home I took a nap from like 4:00pm to 7:00pm. I'm starting...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 339

This week has been...hell. That is it. It has been hell. Ever since my orientation I have barely been able to eat. Everything makes me nauseous. I tried to drink a cup of tea. That usually settles my stomach. It made it worse. I feel really ill.

Lately I have noticed a slight drop in my health. Since February I have stayed sick. On and off again illnesses, but they have all been slightly similar. Nausea, dizziness, and weak fatigue. It is becoming quite a bore. Rather bothersome. I feel like throwing up, but I can't. It's really tiresome to feel that way. I would rather I throw up and...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 317

Okay, so I have had a completely hectic week. On Sunday I went to Tennessee and spent the night so that I could be near the town where my transfer orientation was held. I spent that time with my little sister and one of my best friends. It was so much fun. We had a fight with water guns and we just had a blast. It was awesome. Then we took off on a picture taking spree. I think I took almost 200 pictures on my camera, but there were two other camera's clicking too. :3

Then came my orientation. I found out I can't register for my classes completely until I get a confirmation of my family...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 312

Okay, so it was a few days ago, actually more like a week ago, that I graduated from college. Technically it was just the community college, but it's the fact of the matter. I went to a community college before going to a University, because I wanted to make sure I was prepared for college and to take things slow. Good idea! I love college though.

Anyways, I graduated May 08, 2009. Sadly I wont get my degree for another 7 weeks. (All the grades weren't posted, so we get them in the mail.) It was weird walking through a line of people to shake hands with the dean of the school and have...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 338

I just realised I'm not completely over a friends death. I thought I was over it. I thought I could let it go, but I was wrong. When watching a movie review I was reminded of my friend. I started crying before I even noticed I had. I talked to someone for a while, and I feel better. I still hurt inside. I didn't realise how much it still hurt.

I close my eyes sometimes and I can still see him. Im so afraid Ill forget him. Those beautiful eyes that could pierce through you and carefree nature. He was such a good friend and person. I grew up with him. Seems unfair to have someone so good...
by MandaNoel07 - Comments: 0 - Views: 353
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