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Ninja Spoon's Journal Omfg
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Ninja Spoon's Journal Omfg

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 OYEZ! & Glued 

Ninja Spoon's Journal Empty Global announcement:

Award Nominations

Our Member Award system is now in place, so feel free to nominate any of our staff, or members for awards you think that they deserve. It can be anything you want (Don't just go by our existing awards!) and we will create an award icon to fit should we get several in agreement.

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by Denial - Comments: 4 - Views: 714

Ninja Spoon's Journal Empty 


I love the smell of

Ninja Spoon's Journal Blah

in the morning.
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 398

What the fuck is up with me? i was in theo playing fucking therapist.

by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 2 - Views: 368

No, not me. Seriously.

But, I may turn it if Jane doesn't start giving me space. FUCK.
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 1 - Views: 346

So today I spilled egg down my shirt at work. My fucking boss came in and had a go at me for it, so I left early. I have a feeling tomorrow I'm for the shitter. WTF
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 295

So as if having flu wasn't bad enough, now I break my little toe. Great. I can't even get my fucking shoe on! I had to go to work with one shoe and one slipper!

With that out of my system, I can tell you that nothing particularly exciting has happened, or is likely to happen any time soon. The only comfort I've had lately is my couch, my TV and my bottle of Jagermeister neatly tucked away in my bureau. I know I shouldn't drink with painkillers, but fuck it. Fuck it all. I couldn't care less right now. So many things are getting on my nerves, I really can't be bothered with...
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 313

Been a while so I thought I'd update.

Got ill with the flu not long after a night out with Angelo. Ended up in bed for days. Down a few bob now, because of missing work. Got back to work today though and got a nice welcome back. Assholes. I hate them all. Them and their stupid get well card.

Ate fish and chips for dinner. I felt like something greasy for a change. I know all I'd have to do is call Guy up and ask him to make me one of his curries, but that'd be too risky. Nyaa

Not long now till...
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 302

So yesterday wasn't very eventful. To be honest nothing ever happens. Although today I had a mishap with an ink cartridge at work and it went all over my managers shirt. I smirked widely. He is such an arrogant tit, it served him right. If only it'd gone in his eyes. I guess I need to work on my aim. Haha. My dinner wasnt good either. I tried Subway for the first time. It was awful! Cheap, nasty meat covered in wilted salad, smothered in some disgusting warm sauce that tasted like my socks smell after hiking for 8 miles. I ended up puking my guts out and it wasnt pretty.
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 296

I thought Id create myself a thread here. It wont be very interesting. Probably just rants or something but Ill still try to be funny.

Well today started off OK. Got into work at the usual time but now I'm bored because I have nothing to do. It seems to be getting more and more boring as time goes on. I checked my usual sites like Newgrounds and DeviantART but nothing was of interest, so I logged in here to find MORE nothingness. I really don't know how Axel and Adam put up with it. I had my lunch not long ago. Ham and tuna panini with mustard mayo. Real nice and smooth to go down....
by Ninja Spoon - Comments: 0 - Views: 325
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